Patterson Law Firm

DUI Car Chase: The Risks You Face

Drivers who get chased by the police and are also accused of impaired driving face serious consequences if convicted. In Oklahoma, these charges could lead to many years of prison time and expensive fines – especially if anyone was hurt or it was not the driver’s first offense.

The Risks of a Car Chase

Car chases can lead to many problems for drivers:

When police have to chase a driver down, the legal charges multiply quickly. Charges can include reckless driving, speeding, evading the police, failure to stop, damaging public property (if you hit a police car or traffic light), assault and battery, and even first-degree manslaughter or negligent homicide if the driver hits someone during the chase.

DUIs and Car Chases

Unfortunately, alcohol intoxication can be a factor for a driver who starts a car chase with the police. The driver may fear arrest or the consequences of taking a breathalyzer. Drivers in this situation should engage a lawyer as soon as possible, before giving a statement to the police, talking to the media, or posting anything on social media.

In addition, drivers should speak to their lawyer about any circumstances leading up to the car chase. For example, it’s a good idea to bring up any emotional stress, medications taken, or medical conditions. DUI defense lawyers need full information to help develop effective defenses and reconstruct the series of events that led to the chase and arrest.

If you are facing DUI charges, seek out an attorney who knows the Oklahoma criminal law system inside and out. Clint Patterson, Esq., of Patterson Law Firm, a former Tulsa prosecutor now using his trial experience and expert-level knowledge of DUI science to defend drivers, has the experience and the insight to evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of your case. To schedule a case evaluation, visit Patterson Law Firm online or call Clint’s office at (918) 550-9175.